What is ADHD?

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a condition that affects people’s behaviour.
Please read the information below to understand your options if you would like to be referred to an ADHD specialist.

GP’s are unable to make a diagnosis of ADHD or start any ADHD medications.

In view of the extremely high demand for Adult ADHD services, please be aware that the waiting times for services can vary.


Patients Journey

  1. Book a routine GP appointment
  2. Secretaries or GP signpost patients to Aireborough Family Practice ADHD website information
  3. Complete the form here
  4. Patients MUST confirm their preferred Service choice (see options below)
  5. Once the Secretaries have received both the completed form and service choice confirmation – this is passed back to the referring GP
  6. GPs then confirm if the referral is to go ahead and if so, provide a letter / complete the relevant service form.
  7. Referral is processed and confirmation text is sent to the patient


Service Choices

Leeds ADHD Service
Assessment and Medication


Psychiatry-UK Service

RTC Assessment and Medication
Online-Only service


ADHD 360

RTC Assessment and Medication Online Service Only


Clinical Partners

RTC Assessment and Medication available under RTC


Oakdale Centre

RTC Assessment only
No Medication available under RTC – variable clinic locations



RTC Assessment and Medication
Online-Only service


Psychiatry UK Right To Choose | Dr J and Colleagues

RTC Face to Face Assessment and Medication Variable clinic locations – Not in Leeds


Not all Right to Choose providers offer Medication Titration
Please keep this in mind when choosing a service.

If you are Assessed and Diagnosed by a service that does not offer medication under the RTC and you then wish to start medication, you will require a re-referral to an alternative service that provides this.



What is the Right to Choose pathway?

The RTC pathway, gives patients the right to choose their service provider for mental health & physical health conditions. More information about the Right to Choose pathway can be found on the NHS England website.

Right to Choose - information

If the eligibility criteria are met, the NHS will fund your assessment and treatment.

We recommend the following link for detailed RTC information regarding ADHD pathways: How to get an NHS Assessment via ‘Right to Choose’

Please note the pathway only applies to services in England. The pathway does not apply to services that are part of NHS Wales, Scotland, or Northern Ireland.


How do I request a Right to Choose referral?

When referring via the NHS under the right to choose, a routine GP appointment is the first step.

The GP will ask you questions relating to your symptoms to determine whether an assessment is clinically necessary.

The GP will need to review your ASRS form. If you have not already done so, please download and complete: ASRS form to complete.

If the GP determines that an assessment is required, you can advise them in the appointment that you wish to exercise your right to choose.

You MUST confirm your choice of Right to Choose service.


Shared Care Agreements

At the end of the titration period a Shared Care Agreement is sent to the GP by the ADHD service. This is an agreement made between the ADHD Specialist and the GP which enables the GP to take over the prescribing. Most referring GPs are happy to take this on, but there is no obligation for them to do so. There are also some areas of England where certain medications cannot be prescribed by a GP and they are legally unable to accept the SCA.

A Shared Care Agreement can only be set up after the following conditions are met:

The patient must have received an ADHD diagnosis by a specialist and has been monitored by the specialist until stabilized on medication. The patient must continue to have annual reviews with the specialist.

The Specialist may request physical health monitoring to be carried out by the GP. E.g. Blood tests and/or ECG.

The frequency of this monitoring will be determined by the specialist and the GP will follow clinical guidelines. Some services may offer their own monitoring.

The Shared Care Agreement documentation must be received from the Specialist and will form a part of your Medical Record.

Occasionally, E.G. if a patients circumstances change, the GP may hand the prescribing back to the Specialist. This is at the GP’s discretion and the patient would be fully informed.

There is some variation nationally between GP practices regarding Shared Care Agreements.

This may mean that any existing Shared Care Agreements held with a previous GP would be at the discretion of Aireborough Family Practice to continue and will be subject to local prescribing guidelines.

Similarly, a Shared Care Agreement set up with Aireborough Family Practice, may not be continued if you change GP practices in the future.


Private ADHD Assessments

Due to the extremely high waiting times, many patients are now opting to have a Private ADHD Assessment.

Please be aware – Patients will need to arrange/book their Private ADHD Assessments with a service of their choice. GP’s can provide a private referral letter if this is a requirement for services or health insurance purposes.

It is important to note that if you undergo a Private ADHD Assessment this will be self-funded.

You will have to cover the costs of your ADHD Assessment. Annual Reviews. Medication Reviews. Private Prescription Fees.

If you would like your GP to take over the prescription – The above conditions need to be met for a Shared Care Agreement to be considered (please see Shared Care Agreement information above).

If the GP agrees to a Shared Care Agreement with the Private Specialist. You will still need to attend and pay for any Reviews. Your prescription will be changed to the NHS fee. If you wish for all your treatment to be under the NHS – You will need to be re-referred to an NHS service (please see the Service Choices above).

A Referral to an NHS service can be sent with a copy of your original diagnosis report.

It is important to be aware that some Private Services ADHD Diagnosis Reports are not recognised by the NHS.

This means, should you wish to change your care to the NHS, the NHS Specialist may request that you undergo a new assessment.


Further information:

ADHD Foundation

Please note there is Nice Guidance for ADHD - A guide for patients booklet can be downloaded via the above named website.

Aireborough Family Practice
Silver Lane Surgery, Suffolk Court, Yeadon, Leeds, LS19 7JN

Tel: 0113 391 1950

Reception hours
8.00am - 6.30pm

How to find us