Proud to be a Safe Surgery
Everyone living in the UK is entitled to register and consult with a GP. It means we can prevent and treat illness early and create a healthier society for everyone. Aireborough Family Practice is proud to be a Safe Surgery.
We recognise the barriers to healthcare access exist, particularly for migrants in vulnerable circumstances, and believe that small changes in practice can make a difference, ensuring that lack of ID or proof of address, immigration status or language are not barriers to patient registration. We are willing to lead by example and work to ensure that nobody in our community is excluded.
For more information on this Health Inclusion Initiative please visit
Community Pharmacy Consultation Service
GP CPCS provides a mechanism for patients to be referred by general practice to community pharmacy for minor illnesses. Using this new service can help alleviate pressure on GP appointments by harnessing the skills and knowledge of community pharmacists to treat a range of minor illnesses and allowing GPs to focus on more complex patients. The service gives a patient a same-day appointment in a community pharmacy, either face to face or remotely.
Please note, our Reception team may triage your call and make a digital referral to a convenient pharmacy where you will receive relevant treatment and advice on the same day.
It is very important that if you think you may have Coronavirus or are showing any of the following symptoms that you and anyone else you live with stay at home:
- high temperature
- new, continuous cough
- a loss of, or change to, your sense of smell or taste
Please refer to the online 111 service for advice and testing:
For the safety of our patients and staff the practice will not offer online booking of GP appointments until the Coronavirus situation has improved.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Long-COVID is a term commonly used to describe:
- Ongoing symptomatic COVID-19 from 4 to 12 weeks
- Post COVID-19 syndrome; signs or symptoms that develop during or after COVID-19 and continue for more than 12 weeks and are not explained by an alternative diagnosis.
Click here to follow the link for more information regarding your COVID recovery.
Face masks must still be worn by all patient's coming in to the Surgery. We have many vulnerable patients attending appointments, and like NHS Hospitals it is still mandatory to wear a face mask inside our buildings.
Please remember to bring a face mask with you to your appointment.
Healthier together
A brand new website developed by local Paediatricians, GP's and clinicians to give you accurate, consistent and trustworthy advice and guidance.
Ideal for parents, carers, young people and professionals, Healthier Together aims to help you keep your children safe and healthy.
Click here to visit the website.
COVID-19 Vaccination Programme
We are now receiving vaccine stocks again. We receive stock of both the Moderna and Pfizer vaccinations.
It is possible to have both your Covid-19 booster vaccination at the same time as your flu vaccination, please let Reception know when you make your appointment so they can book you in the right slot.
Please contact the National Booking Service to make your appointment at a Walk-in-Centre, or contact NHS-119 for more information. Help to book your appointment is also available on the NHS website
We have received some fantastic feedback from patients and relatives over how the clinics have run and the work done by our staff. This is lovely to hear and we welcome all feedback.
Click here for the consent form, this must be completed and brought to your appointment.
Click here for an information booklet about the vaccination.
New guidance has been issued for the use of the Oxford AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine.
This follows further reviews by the independent regulator, the MHRA, and the Commission for Human Medicines, of a very small number of people in the UK who have developed a rare blood-clotting condition since having the Oxford AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine.
The MHRA and Joint Committee for Vaccinations and Immunisations have emphasised that the risk of this condition is extremely small and that the benefits of the vaccine outweigh the risks for the vast majority of people. They have recommended that:
- Everyone who has had the AstraZeneca vaccine should still have a second dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine, irrespective of age, unless they suffered any serious side effects after their first vaccination.
- People aged 30 and over or who have a health condition that puts them at higher risk of severe Covid-19 disease should still be offered the Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine. The benefits in protecting them against the serious consequences of COVID-19 outweigh any risk of this rare condition.
- People aged 18-29 who do not have a health condition that puts them at higher risk of severe Covid-19 disease will be offered an alternative Covid-19 vaccine where available. (This has been recommended as a precaution as people under 30 are at less risk from Covid-19 and not because they are considered to be at particular risk of developing the rare blood clot.)
People under 30 can still choose to have the Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine if this will mean they can be protected more quickly and they have been made aware of the guidance.
Click here to see the leaflet that has been produced by Public Health England and the NHS to answer any questions you may have.